
Worldwide Trademark Search & Registration Experts

Why Choose Witmart for Trademark Services

What Makes Us Different

  • Affordable Pricing with no Hidden Fees*
    From trademark filing to registration. No other company will offer as much as we do at a flat rate. We answer all your questions, and handle responses to office actions from the trademark office - all for a competitive price. You’ll never have to worry about hourly legal charges, hidden costs, or government fees. Sometimes being predictable is a very good thing.
    * Limitations and restrictions applied. Refer to your invoice for details of what fees are included.
  • A Personal Approach
    We’ve built a reputation for friendly and attentive service. It’s why we have so many loyal customers and referrals. It starts with a free one-on-one consultation and risk analysis to ensure that your trademark name/phrase can be successfully registered. A local trademark expert will then advise you, and navigate the trademark registration process on your behalf. With Witmart on your side, business really can be a pleasure.

Fast Trademark Search & Registration Services

With over 338,000 trademarks registered in the past two years, we've built a brand on protecting yours. And we make it easy. Our trademark experts streamline the complicated trademark registration process for you, taking care of the cumbersome paperwork and back-and-forth correspondence with the trademark office. For you, it's just three steps. After all, you're busy enough running your business.
Search Determine mark availabilitywith free trademark search
File Our trademark agents file your application
Relax Trademark is filed in as little as three days* *Limitations and conditions applied. Refer to our service policy for details.
Determine mark availability with free trademark search
Our trademark agents file your application
Trademark is filed in as little as three days* *Limitations and conditions applied. Refer to our service policy for details.

Canadian and International Trademark Search Experts

We proudly operate in 4 continents and 36 countries. Our global capabilities make it possible to offer our unique service to more markets, and help our customers register trademarks internationally. What's more, we have trademark experts in each country. This ensures that your consultant knows the ins and outs of your region, and can provide you with a seamless, stress-free experience. Global reach with local knowledge. You get the best of both worlds.

Thousands of Trademark Clients Worldwide

Trademarks Filed Since 2014
Trademarks Filed last month
Trademarks Filed yesterday

What our clients have said

Very friendly and professional. I am very happy with the communication. I receive phone calls and emails keeping me up to date. This makes me feel secure because I know I am dealing with real people who actually care.
Noah has been so helpful. I was feeling overwhelmed with the process. His assistance, has taken stress off me. I appreciate the great customer service and professionalism.
I will definitely recommend Witmart.

Modest Fashion Week Toronto

1 months ago

These guys took something so unknown to me and made it so simple. I learned so much about the trademark process from these guys. Best thing about Witmart is how patient they were with me throughout the entire process that I caused delays on. Their professionalism and enthusiasm was the same from the day I first contacted them to the day I finally signed and submitted my application (4 months duration). Amazing service, will definitely recommend them as the first stop for anyone who asks.

Immad Khalid

1 months ago

I’m the owner of an IT staffing business in Toronto called Poly Tech Talent. After a re-branding exercise with my marketing team, we needed to apply for a registered trademark. In the past, I’ve either tried doing it myself (complicated and a huge time suck) or paid a law firm (very costly!). This time, we contacted Witmart, and we’re thrilled with their service and results. Anthony, the trademark specialist we worked with, was personable, extremely knowledgeable and efficient. The process was fast, affordable and educational. I don’t usually take the time to write reviews, but, in this case, it’s worth the time because this group is special. We'll be back!. Thanks again for all your help.

Virginia Poly

4 months ago

I recently contacted Witmart for a consultation on Trademarking services. After much research in regards to the process for filing a trademark myself, I quickly realized that I required the services of a professional firm. Upon reaching out to Witmart I was put in-touch with Michelle, she was attentive, knowledgeable and professional. She explained the process, presented me with my options and since retaining them has been in constant contact to ensure that all documents and details were correct for filing. Thank you for your efforts, Michelle and I look forward to our continued working relationship over the next few months while the application is in progress. Thank you!

Ian Marshall

4 months ago

The reps I worked with, Michelle and Anthony, were very helpful with answering all the questions I had about trademarks and copyrights and outlining what the filing would be. It’s definitely worth looking into Witmart if you’re considering filing for a trademark as it saves both time and cost.

Amal Samuel

1 months ago

Michelle made my first trademarking process incredibly simple! She is extremely knowledgable, always kept me up to date, and was always available to answer my questions!
Definitely glad I chose Witmart to help me, and will definitely contact Michelle again in the future.
Thank you!

R. Bale

1 months ago

Four reasons to trademark your brand

Expand Your Market
Registered trademarks are mandatory for entering major sales channels in most countries.
Increase Company Assets
Trademarks are valuable assets, appreciating as your business reputation grows. They're also transferrable.
Improve International Awareness
Trademarks help customers find you worldwide, and help differentiate your products from your competitors.
Protect Intellectual Property
Trademarks protect your brand from imitation and misuse, while building loyalty with customers.